Friday, March 30, 2007

Latest Happenings

Been a while since I updated and though I'm the only one reading, I thought I'd go ahead and do that.

Money, Money, Money

So, I'm now officially the "treasurer" for my oldest son's Cub Scout Pack. I took over in February and the only thing I've been given (besides the authority to sign checks) is the checkbook. No register, mind you. Nothing to keep track of each boy's accounts or anything. Just the checkbook.

It's very difficult to give each boy their Scout account totals when I have absolutely nothing. Even more troublesome when the boys who moved on to Boy Scouts need that money soon and even the previous treasurer doesn't have any ideas on where anyone stands... Oh well, this gives me the opportunity to make up my own system.

Fun Addictions

I've discovered a few new cool things. One I've known about for a while, but never really took advantage of it. It's called Pandora - you type in an artist or song and the site will play songs from similar artists.

The other is called Desktop Tower Defense - and it's a fun little strategy game that sucks up time like you wouldn't believe. But it's a nice break from life. :)

That's about all I have for now. More as life gets interesting or as I decide to make time.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Sad News and New (and Crappy) Beginnings

Sad News

I discovered late Sunday evening that Rob, an old friend who we hardly saw anymore, passed away Saturday. And by "old" friend, I don't mean he was old - he was in his mid-30s. He leaves behind a 9-year-old daughter.

Rob was one of those people who, upon first seeing him, you wondered whether he was going to beat the crap out of you. But when you actually met him, he was a lovable teddy bear who brightened the room when he walked in. When you talked to him, he gave you his full attention and acted like you were the most important person in the world. And it didn't matter how long it had been since he'd last seen you.

He'll be missed.

New (and Crappy) Beginnings

Happy New Year!

And what a start it's been! By 12:30 a.m., the toilet had backed up (and overflowed) and when I threw the towels in the washer that I'd used to clean up that mess, the drain (to the sewer) backed up. Thank God we have a pool and tons of swimming towels! We'll see how things have gone down by tomorrow to determine if we need to call a plumber - and when.

I'm off to bed - my turn to get up early with the toddler.