Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 2

Well, it's "official" homeschooling day 2 and we're not off to a great start.  

Went to Mom's Night Out last night and left about 30 minutes after I meant to.  (Worth it for a socialization aspect for me, but the kids were already getting to bed late then.) Then I chatted with my MIL for about 30 minutes before heading home.  Got home and Hubby was finally home after a 12+ hour day.  Sat with him for about 45 minutes before he went to bed and then my mind was not ready to shut down so I stayed up for another hour and a half researching various topics.  Now I want nothing more than to crawl back into bed and get up after lunch!

It was almost 8am - the time I want the kids ready to start working - before I remembered they should have been up before I managed to pull myself out of bed.  I also forgot there was a curriculum swap today from 11 to 2, which will cut into our schedule.  Ah well, I guess that's one of the awesome parts about homeschooling - flexibility!

I suppose I should get in the shower and wolf down some breakfast so we can get something done before we head out.  

Coffee, here I come.  

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