Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A New Day

Finally, after about 2 weeks of feeling morose, my spirits are starting to lift and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  (Though, truthfully, that could just be the sun...)

Had to put one of my cats down which, after over 14 years, was exceptionally hard.  It was the right thing to do, but still difficult.  He had an aggressive cancer that came on suddenly.  Now we're down to his sister and the 3 dogs.  (Ok, and the kids, which pretty much washes all other troubles away - or makes them pale in comparison, depending upon the day!)

Anyway, haven't updated in a while, so thought I'd make a short entry before running out on a couple of errands.

Homeschooling front, we're trying to get back in gear, which has been challenging.  The schedule I'd put together, while on paper works, doesn't IRL. With taekwondo twice a week and everyone having it at different times, plus scouts, plus family night, plus trying to teach the boys how to swim (so Hubby will open our pool), trying to get some exercising in, housework, mounds of laundry, trying to keep the kids away from each others throats about half the time and me being such a disorganized person, it's a wonder anything gets done!  Urgh.

Personally, as an ADDer, I need a schedule.  (Not to mention, the ADHD kids do too!)  I'm full of good ideas and intentions. But I'm so much more interested in spur of the moment things and activities.  Maybe we want to run to the museum, the zoo or the park.  I suppose I could put together a schedule and then drop it if we need to.  I'm inclined then, after things fall through too many times, to not schedule anything.  

I'll have to ponder while I'm waiting for kids to get done with TKD today and see what I can come up with.  

Listen to that - can you hear it?  Yes, that'd be TCC yelling and crying at someone else.  That's my cue... 

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