Monday, May 21, 2012

Sleep, it doth elude me

It's almost 3am - and here I am on the computer.  Really?

I have a lot of things rushing around in my brain, apparently:

I broke a tooth Friday, so I'm anxiously awaiting my dentist's call first thing in the morning to see if I can get in to get a crown. At least it shouldn't be a root canal! Had one of those last year - apparently on the wrong tooth. I don't blame the dentist - my "mystery tooth" has been bothering me off and on for over 10 years. We've fooled around trying to figure out which one is the right one and last summer I was positive that we had it - got a crown, then a root canal because the crown didn't solve it. Once that one was on, within a week, I knew it wasn't right - but the darn thing just wouldn't show itself. The dentist said from the get-go that he thought it was a hairline crack and that eventually it'd show up or break off. It did - and it's not even one of the teeth I thought it could have been! Darn mixed up wiring in the mouth...

I'm trying to get the kids on a school schedule again - but we have so much other stuff to accomplish, it's not working. The story of my life...  So, today they're working on math and typing, then we'll do some stuff on one of the older boys' merit badges, do some cleaning up (the house is a disaster), a bit of yard work, and then swimming. My goal is to finish up one merit badge this week, another next week, a third one the following week, then work on our current unit study and fit in swimming several times each week. EB needs to be a confident and capable swimmer before mid-June (Hubby is also taking him swimming about 6am most mornings.) and MM and TSS need to regain some comfort and stamina by then too.

As I said above, the house is a disaster; the yard is atrocious and a mess; laundry is backed up - just a lot of things that distract me and pretty much shut down my motivation centers.

While not a problem, it's something that's been in my head - Saturday TSS, EB, TCC and I all competed in a martial arts tournament. Our school had 8 of us representing - not too bad, considering we're not an enormous school. Even our master instructor was there and competing.  TSS did forms and won 3rd place for his age and rank; EB sparred and did ok - didn't move much at all; TCC was put in the wrong category, but gave it his all and will receive a medal from the school; I won 3rd place in forms for my age bracket (against men) and 1st place for women's sparring. (I was the only one in my age bracket and rank to spar so was guaranteed a first place win, but I fought two women at least half my age - and won - to earn it.) Next month I'm hoping to test for my next rank.

Also working on building up my stamina for bike riding. I'd like to build up so I can ride my bike to work - probably not much more than a mile, but at this point, I can't do that. I credit all of my increased fitness and activity to my chiropractor (and my final decision to go see her). With 6 weeks worth of treatment, I went from almost immobile to riding a bike, entering a TKD tourney, walking, stretching and swimming again. HUZZAH!

I'm working my normal work schedule over the summer. First time I've worked over the summer since my first year there. I'm actually looking forward to it.  :)

Last pick up of a friend's son from public school today - at least for this school year. They asked if I would pick him up next year as well, so I already know to include that in our schedule.  I expect next year will be my last year as his brother should be driving by the end of December.

Ok, time to see if dumping my brain will let me get back to sleep.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Busy, busy day!

I think today is going to be a double-shot of espresso day...a few times over...

Last night, MM came home from his Order of the Arrow ordeal, proud and carrying his OA sash. (Yea!) He was exhausted from a rainy Friday - he and his sleeping bag were soaked - and working all day. 

This morning, we'll be getting everyone up early and going to see the Avengers. (The boys and I saw it Friday morning sans Hubby. This morning we're taking Hubby and meeting some friends.)

From there, we drop the boys off at the in-laws and head downtown to see Bill Cosby with Hubby's brother and sister-in-law and an early dinner follows.

Then we'll have enough time to come home just long enough to head right back out for a scout meeting tonight.

I expect to be crawling back home around 9 or 9:30pm.

And I woke up with a migraine. (Thanks allergies! Is it bad that I'm already wishing for a hard freeze...?)

Inner strength - that's what I'm looking for today. To keep the good mood and to keep me awake...

In other news, made the plunge and bought an iPad, primarily for education purposes. We already have to schedule time for the kids' foreign language and typing lessons on their computer, the three older boys have multiple research projects they're working on (which TSS frequently utilizes the laptop for) and MM uses my system for a computer programming...program... ?  This just gives some more options - I love some of the educational apps that are available for the iPad exclusively already.  More on that later.

Have an enjoyable day!