Sunday, May 6, 2012

Busy, busy day!

I think today is going to be a double-shot of espresso day...a few times over...

Last night, MM came home from his Order of the Arrow ordeal, proud and carrying his OA sash. (Yea!) He was exhausted from a rainy Friday - he and his sleeping bag were soaked - and working all day. 

This morning, we'll be getting everyone up early and going to see the Avengers. (The boys and I saw it Friday morning sans Hubby. This morning we're taking Hubby and meeting some friends.)

From there, we drop the boys off at the in-laws and head downtown to see Bill Cosby with Hubby's brother and sister-in-law and an early dinner follows.

Then we'll have enough time to come home just long enough to head right back out for a scout meeting tonight.

I expect to be crawling back home around 9 or 9:30pm.

And I woke up with a migraine. (Thanks allergies! Is it bad that I'm already wishing for a hard freeze...?)

Inner strength - that's what I'm looking for today. To keep the good mood and to keep me awake...

In other news, made the plunge and bought an iPad, primarily for education purposes. We already have to schedule time for the kids' foreign language and typing lessons on their computer, the three older boys have multiple research projects they're working on (which TSS frequently utilizes the laptop for) and MM uses my system for a computer programming...program... ?  This just gives some more options - I love some of the educational apps that are available for the iPad exclusively already.  More on that later.

Have an enjoyable day!

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