Friday, June 8, 2012

Quick update

So, our last few weeks of school haven't been anything.  I haven't been wanting to do anything except vegetate... The house is still a disaster, but at least some of the yard work is getting done and the laundry was caught up for a while. 

Today I have a list of things that need to be done to clean up the house and the boys and I will work on them over the next 2 days. That'll put my mind at ease and I'm sure I'll be able to function better.  (Pigsty house=shut down brain & motivation for me) 

Time to run - been working on other things in the midst of the blogging and completely forgot what exactly I was going to be posting. But, children are up and about, showers are going, breakfast is being consumed and we'll be starting on housecleaning and laundry soon.

Have a fabulous weekend!

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