Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's Done!

Our paperwork was notarized and submitted to the state late last week - we're officially homeschoolers!  And I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. 

Last week I sent off notes to family, school friends, former teachers and the schools.  We've received quite a few replies, most very supportive.  (Though I think Melissa's was the kindest and most uplifting - thanks for that!)

Last week was a very homeschool-oriented week.  Not only did we received our HEN card (woot - educator discounts!), but we received confirmation from the HSLDA that our application has been received and approved, which was a huge surprise, since it usually takes 2-4 weeks.  (I submitted the app maybe Wednesday.)  For those who don't know, the HSLDA is the Homeschool Legal Defense Association.  In a very basic nutshell, they help out when public schools, neighbors or states overstep legal boundaries with homeschoolers.  

Yesterday I spent a few hours going over educational materials that my mother-in-law kept from her teaching days.  I'm flabbergasted at how much stuff she has and how much of it is still so usable.  Even if I don't use it in it's current form, it will give me ideas.  I brought home a few things to peruse - one is for schooling younger children, closer to TCC's age.  Several of the things are very Montessori, which I love!  (Sandpaper letters anyone?)  There are a few packets of information on learning styles and teaching styles, which I'm definitely going to be needing to help me keep things in mind.  

We'll be doing a lot of unit studies so I can keep the boys together for those.  About 2 months ago, I rediscovered several educational computer programs I'd picked up on clearance. The boys have been using them since before public school got out and have been really enjoying them.  I've had people tell me that you can find almost anything on YouTube for how to make things, or how things are done, so I know we'll be utilizing that.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this and feel this is going to be a wonderful experience!

More later.

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